IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50552 Library:50648 (Line: 131 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php)
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 Viewing members profile information
Тут тема, обрана Вами для перегляду
You can view a members profile at any time by clicking on their name when it is underlined (as a link) or by clicking on their name in a post within a topic.

This will show you their profile page which contains their contact information (if they have entered some) and their 'active stats'.

You can also click on the 'Mini Profile' button underneath their posts, this will show up a mini 'e-card' with their contact information and a photograph if they have chosen to have one.
- Lo-Fi версія форуму Поточний час: 7.05.24 - 11:02

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